Flow of Energy
7.5.C diagram the flow of energy through living systems, including food chains, food webs, and energy pyramids.
7.7.B illustrate the transformation of energy within an organism such as the transfer from chemical energy to heat and thermal energy in digestion.
What is a Producer or a Consumer?
Autotrophs - Organisms that make or produce their own food, such as plants that conduct the process of photosynthesis, by using the radiant energy from the sun, water and carbon dioxide to produce food in the form or sugar/glucose. |
Heterotrophs - Organisms that eat producers and lower level consumers. Primary Consumer - the first to eat, usually herbivores, feeding on plants or fungus. Secondary Consumer - second to eat, mainly carnivores that eat other animals. Tertiary Consumer - third to eat, mainly omnivores that eat both plants and animals. |
Photosynthesis - Photo/light
Predatory vs Prey

Eyes in the front, made to hunt Predators hunt prey
Eyes on the side, made to hide Prey are eaten
Eyes on the side, made to hide Prey are eaten
Food Chains
A food chain shows how each organism gets nutrients for the energy it needs to survive. Kind of a who eats what or.........who eats who.
Food Webs
A food web illustrations the flow of energy in a given area or relationships between food chains. |
Energy Pyramid
Shows the flow of energy in a community.